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Preamble to the Constitution of The Croatian Academy of America

Posted on: October 19th, 2012 by pictuelle

Inspired by the persistent desire of the Croatian Nation for its proper dignity before all men, realizing that no People can make a responsible contribution towards a peaceful and democratic world without being freely self-determined i.e. endowed with the right to choose its own sovereign state, recollecting that Croatian liberty has been frustrated for centuries because of tyranny from without and within, conscious that the denial of freedom at home often requires the conservation of the national genius abroad, mindful that the friendly guardianship of the just aspirations of men has always been the keynote of American hospitality, we herewith establish and constitute The Croatian Academy of America.

(Preamble to the Constitution of The Croatian Academy of America adopted April 19, 1953 in New York City).

About The Croatian Academy of America

Posted on: October 19th, 2012 by pictuelle

THE CROATIAN ACADEMY OF AMERICA, Inc. is a nonprofit, educational organization, founded in 1953 and incorporated in the State of New York on December 17, 1956. The certificate of incorporation was further amended in 1962.

The purpose for which the Academy is formed is:
-To educate the members and public generally concerning Croatian literature, culture and history by sponsoring lectures on these subjects and by producing and causing to have published articles on these subjects in the organization’s journal.
– To receive voluntary contributions from members and donors and gifts from benefactors to be used and applied for the aforesaid educational purposes.

Contributions are tax deductible. All contributions to the Academy are exempt from Federal income tax to the fullest extent of the law.